What Options Do You Have When You Have No Connecting Teeth Left for Stability?

Posted on 09/20/2018 by nh_dR9W

It is always advisable to have your missing tooth or teeth replaced, to avoid the adverse effects it can have on your oral and overall health.

If you have had teeth removed you’ll need to have them replaced to prevent loss of the jawbone and shifting of the remaining teeth. Missing teeth can also make speech difficult and chewing very uncomfortable.

Our dentists can recommend solutions to fill that gap and restore your oral health. However, when you are missing multiple teeth and there have no connecting teeth for support, you have several options,

Removable Partial Dentures

A removable partial denture is a device that is carved out from a mold. It can be used to replace multiple teeth in the upper or lower jaw. It can also act as a temporary or permanent solution for filling the gaps.

They are the best option when there are no healthy anchor teeth needed for bridges. One of the advantages of these devices is that they can be removed when they need to be cleaned. They are also the most affordable options when you have no connecting teeth compared to other options such as implants.

Attachment Dentures

Attachment dentures are fitted by first placing implants at specific points on the jaw. The dentures are then placed onto the implants. This makes chewing and speech easier than if no implants were used since it provides stability. However, you may need to have them checked from time to time, to ensure that they are stable enough for chewing.

Another related option is to have individual implants replace all of the missing teeth. The advantage of this is that the implants feel and look more natural than partial or full dentures. However, you can only have this option if you have healthy jaws and gums. Each of the implants will also require individual support at its root, making this option relatively more invasive.

Call us today, if you have any questions about replacement options for missing teeth.